Converting existing site to Umbraco - Installing umbraco on our server

Installation was pretty good, because our server is a Windows Server 2003, which means that umbraco is provided with an auto-installer. Of course, I had to install Microsoft SQL Server Express. Fortunately, it was so simple.

To install I used this item:

1. The installation of MS SQL Server Express

2. Install umbraco

3. Remember to configure your domain name or a subdomain with your ISP and IIS

A small problem is that when he says the foundation, my default SQL Server Express named something like MSSQL $ L12325413 essentially the default name of my machine, the installation program has been allocated SQL. It was not easy to understand, and there was no help from umbraco to find the name of the database. What I had to get umbraco installation was "L12325413/L12325413" hostname / server name ...

Once this is resolved, the installation went smoothly.

TIP: To find the name of the database, run the SQL Server Surface Area Configuration (catchy name), select the Surface Area Configuration for Services and Connections, and find the service name.

It gives you umbraco empty, alone, naked and lost ...

So, what's more, I installed the package WebsiteWizard. It provides a good overview of basic functionality. The repository of the package can be found here:


:a: :b: :c: :d: :e: :f: :g: :h: :i: :j: :k: :l: :m: :n:

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